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印度電子製造業 政策分析及現況

一、印度製造(Make in India)
莫迪總理2014年上台後致力於發展製造業創造大量的工作機會,以改善高失業率問題,從提倡的印度製造(Make in India)足見端倪,相比「Made in India」,「Make in India」更關注在生產過程而非結果。成效立竿見影,根據世界銀行資料顯示,製造業產值減去實際消耗的中間產品支出後的附加價值,自2014年後逐年遞增,中間雖遭逢疫情阻礙,截至2022年仍達4,509億美元,對比2013年莫迪總理上任前的2,832 億美元,成長近六成。然而,莫迪政府2014年啟動印度製造的首要目標是要將製造業占國內GDP的比重拉升至25%,最後期限迄今雖已被推遲三次,從2020年到2022年,再到2025年;但截至2022年底,印度製造業占國內GDP比重仍僅有13%,莫迪政府要在剩下的兩年時間內達標,勢必需要給予更多的政策支持。

在面臨美中貿易戰與疫情衝擊,全球供應鏈加速重組,加上中國大陸製造成本的節節攀升,過去的世界工廠的優勢對比近年崛起的新興市場大顯遜色,新的世界工廠正在加速形成,過去所謂「All in 中國」的策略布局開始轉向「中國+1」,全球供應鏈正從「長鏈」走向「短鏈」與「多鏈」,讓擁有人口紅利的印度市場營造有利的態勢。加上友美抗中成印度政治主旋律,美印間的合作與日俱增,不僅美國已是印度第三大投資國,僅次於模里西斯(Mauritius)與新加坡,近三年(2020年至2022 年)總計投入304.16億美元,美國也超越中國大陸成為印度最大貿易夥伴,2022年貿易總額達1,287.82億美元,創下美印歷年最大金額。除蘋果外,Google、美光(Micron)、應用材料、超微(AMD)、AWS等美企亦在2023 年紛紛宣布擴大對印度的投資。

莫迪總理2014年上任後基於Make in India的背景下提出諸多改革措施,首先被莫迪總理視為「一刀切阻礙印度經濟發展」的國家計畫發展委員會遭到裁撤,該委員會是印度1950年仿效蘇聯計畫經濟成立,每五年就會頒布一次國家建設計畫,擁有最高的國家經濟決策地位,在莫迪總理2015年撤除前,共頒布12次的五年計畫,最後一次的五年計畫終在2017年落幕。去除國家計委會的阻礙後,莫迪總理在政策上恩威並施,從2015年的階段性製造計畫(Phased manufacturing program,PMP),再到2020年的生產連結獎勵(Production Linked Incentive Scheme,PLI),可以看成是前期的進口替代,以及後期的產業升級階段,推動印度朝向全球電子系統設計和製造(Electronic System Design and Manufacturing,ESDM)中心的目標發展。

印度政府對電子製造業的政策補貼多數集中在半導體、特定元件、印刷電路板(PCB)等中上游領域,這並非毫無來由,統計印度市值前100 大公司,除礦業公司Vedanta積極進軍半導體領域,位處中上游的半導體、PCB、電子元件領域僅有少數規模的印度本土公司,這也直接導致印度本土電子製造業長期缺乏製造關鍵零組件的核心能力。電子元件是電子產業的基本組成部分,具有最大的附加值,但印度在電子中上游領域多仰賴進口,自製率不足,導致近年印度在電子產品的貿易逆差上皆超過400億美元。譬如半導體產業,印度雖在IC設計上已有相當實力,在政府推出補貼措施前,已包攬全球約兩成的IC委外設計業務,可本地卻無任何一座本土晶圓廠,印度在2022年IC進口總額高達161億美元,預估2026年更將達到640億美元。

PCB 面臨同樣問題,印度六成以上的本土PCB 製造業者規模偏小且缺乏組織,在印度市值前100大的公司當中並無任何一家從事PCB相關業務,本土製造的PCB量能僅能滿足國內35%的需求,相當超過六成仍需仰賴進口支持;另外在電子元件、模組及系統產品上也或多或少面臨同樣困境。

基於2019年全國電子產業振興政策(National Policy on Electronics,NPE),在2020年提出「大規模電子製造生產連結獎勵(Production Linked Incentive Scheme (PLI) for Large Scale Electronics Manufacturing)」,對企業在印度製造並涵蓋在手機及特定電子元件等目標市場的貨物,超過基準年的增量銷售給予4%至6%的財務補助,以吸引電子元件和半導體封裝在內的電子價值鏈的大量投資。原訂補助金額4,095億盧比高居PLI整體計畫中的14個關鍵產業之冠,占比21.8%。接著推出「電子零組件與半導體製造計畫(Scheme Production of Manufacturing of Components and Semiconductors,SPECS)」,降低零組件和半導體製造方面的障礙,對已確定的電子商品清單提供資本支出的25%財務補貼,總補助高達328.5億盧比。同年「電子製造聚落2.0計畫(Electronics Manufacturing Cluster Scheme,EMC2.0),由印度電子資通訊部(MeitY)提出修改後的電子製造聚落計畫,預計在八年內支付376.2億盧比,用於建立電子製造業聚落與共同設施中心(Common Facility Centers, CFC)。在2023年再批准針對IT硬體的PLI 2.0計畫,第一版IT硬體生產連結獎勵在2012年獲得批准,但市場反應平淡,認為該計畫並不足以解決當地製造業的障礙,且印度加入世界貿易組織(WTO)的資訊科技協定(Information Technology Agreement,ITA),電腦、筆電等相關產品可以以零關稅的方式進入到本地市場,故印度政府在2023年將計畫重新修改,總預算從原先的733 億盧比大幅提升至1,700億盧比,並將投資時間延長至六年內完成;另一方面,印度政府於同年9月初宣布,自11月起電腦、筆電及平板等七種電子裝置採進口限制,須向政府申請許可,為強化企業投入當地製造的意願,但因受到筆電各界業者及美國華府的批評,已取消該限制令,另將重新宣布進口規定。為提供印度國家安全及經濟的重要性,2023年批准7,600億盧比的「半導體和顯示器製造生態系統改進計畫」,只要在印度設立半導體(包括成熟製程在內的任何工藝節點)、顯示器、化合物半導體、矽光子(Silicon Photonics)、傳感器等工廠,以及半導體封測(ATMP/OSAT)設施的計畫,均補貼項目成本的50%。根據印度Business Today媒體8月31日刊載之文章,古加拉特邦(Gujarat)、卡納塔卡邦(Karnataka)及泰米爾納都邦(Tamil Nadu)為業者投資主要之地區,三個邦獲PLI投資的最大份額,也催生了大規模的在地製造。

● 蘋果iPhone 15新機在印度製造
在外部全球供應鏈的重構、內部印度市場經濟力的成長及各項投資優惠政策催化之下,印度吸引許多國際大廠投資布局,其中在8月已傳出手機大廠蘋果公司將在印度生產iPhone 15新機,其代工廠鴻海印度分公司已在泰米爾納都邦(Tamil Nadu)新設立的辦公室,準備iPhone 15新機生產線作業,其專屬授權貨運商Jusda India已在8月18日配合開啟新的倉儲物流中心,因應原物料及零組件配送。

a Bloomberg report said that the production of iPhone 15 will begin in Tamil Nadu soon. A Foxconn plant in Sriperumbudur is gearing up to manufacture the new series of iPhones. The report added that the Foxconn plant is aiming to deliver the devices just weeks after they start shipping from factories like China. People familiar with the matter told Bloomberg that the company is trying to increase the volume of iPhones coming from India. Other suppliers in India, the Pegatron Corp and a Wistron Corp factory that is being acquired by the Tata Group, will also start production of the iPhone 15 in India soon. However, a question looms over the scale of the production of the new phones. As per the report, the scale will depend on the availability of components that are majorly imported.(資料來源:Business Today 2023/8/20)

● 印度推動半導體及雲端產業
在印度政府積極支持發展電子製造暨半導體產業之下,9月美商格羅方德(Global Foundries)選在卡納塔卡邦(Karnataka)建立並拓展航太國防領域業務,在班加羅爾新招募200位技術性員工,該邦政府承諾協助該公司建立客戶及供應商關係;同時戴爾(Dell)也宣布在班加羅爾投資研發中心設立;日商NTT Data資訊整合商在清奈與印度RMK工程大專院校進行產學合作,共同發展印度雲端技術領域;而美商亞馬遜(Amazon Web Service)則與泰倫迦納邦(Telanagana)政府合作,協助該邦數位轉型,發展雲端運算、生成式人工智慧等技術,將在印度廣設數據中心,預計2030年前投資127億美元在雲端運算基礎設施建構上;以海德拉巴為根據地的印度商CtrIS Datacenters,2007年成立,在印度各地建立數據中心,10月宣布六年內將投入20億美元,發展AI及超大規模雲端資料中心。印度電信大廠信實集團(Reliance)也開始進軍半導體製造領域,從事通訊晶片製造,以因應印度市場龐大需求,此舉受到印度政府鼓勵及支持,相較2023年230億美元印度晶片市場,2028年前將會成長至800億美元規模。

Reliance sees merit in getting into semiconductors as the move would help safeguard against chip shortages that could affect its telecom and electronic devices businesses, the sources said. In 2021, for example, the conglomerate delayed the launch of a low-cost smartphone it was developing with Google citing the chip shortage.
Demand for semiconductors in India and globally is also increasing, they noted. India's government has forecast the domestic chip market will be worth $80 billion by 2028 compared with $23 billion currently. 
Reliance, which has a market capitalisation of around $200 billion, would be one the best-positioned companies in India to delve into semiconductors, said Arun Mampazhy, a former India executive at U.S.-based chipmaker GlobalFoundries.(資料來源:Business Standard 2023/9/8)
Tech giant Amazon Web Services (AWS) has planned an investment of US $12.7 billion (Rs 1,05,600 crores) in cloud infrastructure in India by 2030. The company added that this includes allocating more resources to data center infrastructure, which will create an estimated average of 131,700 full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs across industries like construction, facility maintenance, and engineering roles, among others. Furthermore, AWS’s investments in cloud
infrastructure is expected to contribute $23.3 billion to India’s total GDP by 2030, the company noted.(資料來源:Business Today 2023/9/15)
NTT Data, a global information technology (IT) services company, has established three computing centres of excellence (CoE) in Chennai, collaborating with RMK Group of Engineering Colleges for the facilities.
The NTT Data full stack computing COE’s objective is to improve students' skills in end-to-end application development. Students will be trained in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, back-end languages like Python, PHP and Ruby, Agile project management, and soft skills. As part of the CoE, NTT Data’s proprietary training platform will be made accessible to students. NTT Data experts will train faculty during guest sessions.(資料來源:Business Standard 2023/9/21)
US semiconductor giant Global Foundries is interested in establishing and expanding its Aerospace and Defence (A&D) presence in Karnataka, and plans to develop a comprehensive business strategy. The $30 billion company
is also interested in increasing its workforce in Bengaluru with an addition of 200 skilled workers. The developments follow Global Foundries meetings with the Karnataka business delegation that is currently visiting various states
in the United States of America to attract investments into the state.(資料來源:Business Today 2023/10/1)
The Hyderabad-based company CtrlS Datacenters said the investment will add 350 megawatt (MW) of artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud-ready hyperscale data centres (DCs) in India and some markets in Southeast Asia.
The company has 12 DCs of 234 MW capacity in Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai, Bangalore, Noida, Lucknow and Patna.The company expects to hire more than 1,000 people, especially in the senior leader category, in six years.
(資料來源:Business Standard 2023/10/12)

● 印度泰米爾納都邦發展再生能源
在能源供應及淨零探排方面,印度在風力、太陽光電等再生綠能布局甚深,故吸引到日商日立能源(Hitachi Energy)於10月在清奈設立能源創新研發中心,協助印度加速創新、數位化及工程施作能力,培育當地能源方面專業人士。同時泰米爾納都邦在風力能源上新增5,000千瓩的電力容量,但在儲能、輸電、配電等項目仍具挑戰性,除需提升該邦電力公司TANGEDCO的容量,且須提供優惠條件給民營電廠,鼓勵加大風力發電容量,但零組件供應不足為最大隱憂;另外,塔塔再生能源(Tata Power Renewable Energy,TPREL)在該邦投資41千瓩太陽能電廠。

CEO at TPREL Ashish Khanna said, “Green energy supply to our state-of-the-art 4.3 GW solar cell and module manufacturing facility from the captive solar plant is a shining example of our commitment to a sustainable transition to green energy. This arrangement will act as a model for all the upcoming solar component manufacturing facilities to source green energy for their production and the resulting domino effect will significantly contribute towards the country’s ambitious target of achieving 500 GW of non-fossil fuel-based energy capacity by the end of this decade.”(資料來源:Business Today 2023/9/28)
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin on Thursday inaugurated Hitachi Energy’s largest Global Technology and Innovation Centre in Chennai.
The centre is spread over 3,00,000 square feet and it has nearly 50,000 sq feet of dedicated laboratory space. It is owned by Hitachi Energy Technology Services, a wholly owned subsidiary of Hitachi Energy Ltd., Switzerland.
The centre will house more than 2,500 energy transition technologists specialising in transformers and grid automation and integration. Designed to be self-sufficient, the centre will support businesses in various segments.(資料來源:Business Standard 2023/10/5)
D V Giri, Secretary General, IWTMA (Indian Wind Turbine Manufacturers Association) pointed out there are a huge number of wind energy component makers in Tamil Nadu who require some special status on their supplies. There are a number of critical wind energy components that are being imported now. These are expensive parts. With proper incentives, all these components could be made in India by our component makers. We seek the Tamil Nadu government’s help as to how we can make the representation to secure some incentives for the component makers. “OEMs may not require incentives, but the supply chain industry needs the support,” said Giri.(資料來源:Business Line 2023/10/5)
